Helpful Links:
College Application FEE WAIVERS (subject to change/time sensitive)
The Reach Higher initiative- helping all students understand what they need to complete their education past high school.
We would love to recognize you! Please be sure you are doing the following:
If you have been offered any scholarships or awarded any money by any school please turn in a copy of the offer to the
Counseling Department. Many of you will get offers from schools that you aren’t interested in attending, but do not throw those
away or delete them from your email; the Counseling Department needs all of them. These award letters will count towards
your class scholarship total and you will be recognized in the Graduation Program. Please note that if you attended Girls State
or Boys State you will be getting offers from multiple colleges. Colleges will also send out letters that state if you apply with them
you will be eligible for X amount of money. Again…Please don’t throw anything away!! If you are unsure about what you
received take it to the Counseling Department and let us look at it.